E-Mail Settings Information
Webmail: http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail
Connection Type: POP (or IMAP)
Incoming Mail Server: mail.domain.com
Incoming Port: 110 (or 143 for IMAP)
SSL and Password encryption should be turned off.
Outgoing Mail Server: mail.domain.com
Outgoing Port: 26 (or 25)
Outgoing mail authentication should be turned *On* (same user/pass as incoming)
SSL and Password encryption should be turned *off*.
If you would prefer to connect using SSL, the following settings would apply:
Connection Type: POP (or IMAP)
Incoming Mail Server: lime.secure-host.com Incoming Port: 995 (or 993 for IMAP)
Outgoing Mail Server: lime.secure-host.com Outgoing Port: 26(or 25 or 587)
Outgoing mail authentication should be turned *On* (same user/pass as incoming)*
E-Mail Settings Information for Gmail Customers
The incoming (POP3) server is pop.gmail.com)
The outgoing (SMTP) server is smpt.gmail.com)
Incoming Port 993
Outgoing Port is 645
Webmail: http://www.gmail.com